— Terms of Use —
for all content at www.macjr.com
by Michael A. Crane, Jr.
Terms of Use for My Graphics
All graphics displayed at this website with "www.macjr.com" stamped on them are free for personal use as long as you agree not to alter the image, or images, in any way.
Please contact me if you need any of my work altered to better suit your needs. I do not charge anything for an easy fix. I want my art pieces to look their best on your pages too.
If there is no visible www.macjr.com stamp present on the graphic image you are interested in, it might not be free to use. However, not all of my free art has a visible stamp. Check the page where the art is located for specific information on its use. If you cannot find any information about the availability of the graphic image, or images, you are interested in using, please contact me for more information.
Please contact me if you are interested in using my textures, or any of my art, for your own works.
Please contact me if you wish to use any of my graphics for an art gallery, a business, or for any professional purpose.
Please do not hotlink any of my graphics to your website. Hotlinking is displaying someone else's graphics on your page via linking directly to their graphics, on their server, rather than hosting the graphic image, or images, with your own image hosting service.
To help prevent bogging down my site please download any of the free graphics that you are interested in using to your hard drive, then upload the graphics to your own image hosting service.
If you do not currently have an image hosting account with anyone, two well known, and free, image hosting services that I know of are ImageShack and Photobucket. I personally use ImageShack to host a few general images that are not associated with this web site.
Terms of Use My Poetry and Prose
My poetry and prose are not free to use. If you would like to display one, or more, of my works at your website, please contact me. Links to my site are preferable. I do not mind if you link directly to one, or more, of my poem or prose pages.
When printing a copy of my poetry or prose for personal use, please make sure to including the work's title, my full name, the version number if there is one, and the URL (web address) to that work, on the printed page.
Generally, as long as the above requirements are met, printing a copy of my poetry and prose for personal and educational use is okay, but when it doubt, please ask.
Please do not use my poetry or prose for archival, business, forwards, professional, or any other use without explicit written permission.
Please Do Not Plagiarize My Work!
If you do not know the meaning of plagiarism, please look it up.
The MACJR definition of plagiarism: Plagiarism, the act of stealing someone else's work and then claiming that it is your own creation. If you are a plagiarist, you are a thief who is either incapable of being original or you are just too lazy to do the work of creating something original yourself.
Plagiarism is a serious offence. If you are a student who gets caught plagiarizing, even after the fact, your high school can take back your diploma, your college can revoke your degree, and your teacher can fail you on the spot, and possibly, get you suspended.
In addition, anyone who plagiarizes someone else's work risks being sued by the person, or persons, who were ripped-off.
To avoid becoming a plagiarist, even by accident, make sure that you always give proper credit to the creator (the artist, musician, writer, etc.) of the work, or works, that you are quoting, displaying, or otherwise using. This applies whether you are making a personal web page, a professional work of any sort, or you are a student with an assignment due.
To prevent becoming a plagiarist, and to avoid all the trouble you could get into if you are caught, never claim that someone else's work is your own.
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Please respect the copyright laws and the artists.
www.macjr.com pages & content are
Copyrighted © 1997 – 2019
by Michael A. Crane, Jr.
All rights reserved.