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My Forums

— Also known as Message Boards —

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MACJR'S Mini‐Verse² Forums

This is the Fourth Incarnation of MACJR'S Mini-VerseĀ² Forums. This version of The Board has the merged content of the two previous message boards made into one new board at the mini-verse.com website.

Although Facebook has pretty much killed off most small boards, like mine, I have not completely given up on message boards yet. For those of you out there, that like me, are fed up with Facebook, and the constant flood of memes, feel free to come join us here.

The Fourth Incarnation of MACJR'S Mini-Verse² Forums is built on the MyBB forum software.

The First MACJR'S Mini‐Verse² Forum (now in archive mode)

This board has been inactive for quite some time. There are a lot of old post there that may be worth taking a look at though.

This old version of MACJR'S Mini-Verse² Forum is hosted by Website Toolbox.

Michael A. Crane, Jr.

This page last updated on: February 05, 2016

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