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Garden GalleryEvening I’m Sorry – Notes

Evening I’m Sorry Notes

— Additional Information and Images —

An early version of the I'm Sorry flower Another early version of the I’m Sorry flower. This was the eighteenth version of the original I’m Sorry flower. This is the one I used to make the small version of the Iʼm Sorry flower.

I made this version of the I’m Sorry flower on . I had started colorizing the original version of the I’m Sorry flower just a few days before, on . I do that sometimes. I will start a project, and then set it aside for a while, a day or two, or even for several years, before I get back to it.

I never consider any of my art projects to be truly finished. They are all still works in progress, even if it may take a decade, or more, before I get back to work on one or another of my art projects. Perhaps, I will never get back to work on many of my art projects, but they are there waiting for me, if I ever do want to work on them again. I guess I prefer it that way. As long as I am still alive, there are always things I can still work on when the mood strikes.

I'm Sorry flower and the Garden Gallery Vines By the way, the sharp–eyed among you have noticed that the vine tiles, that I use to decorate the content areas of the main Garden Gallery pages, and the poem pages, is made from the stem and leaves of the I’m Sorry flower. I tend to recycle and re–purpose my art a lot. I can turn a single art image into many different artworks, and some of them will look nothing at all like the original work it started from. The image above–right shows the final step in the making, or in this case, revising, of the vine tiles, before the image is chopped into thirteen tile pieces. Twelve of those pieces becoming the vine tiles. The center section is discarded, along with the outer guide-borders. Thus, when I numbered the individual vine tiles, the number seven tile is missing, because that piece is not used in the design of these Garden Gallery pages. Instead, that missing piece becomes the content area where I display my art, poems, and prose.

An alternate 2015 revised full-size I'm Sorry flower This is the most recent reworked alternate version of the Evening I’m Sorry flower.

I see that it still needs more work, but I am done working on it for now.

Both versions of the original Evening I’m Sorry flower were made on the same day. Likewise, both of these new versions were finished on the same day, .

Of the two versions, Sunshine had liked the original version of the Evening I’m Sorry flower, more than she had liked the original alternate version of the Evening I’m Sorry flower. That is why that other version gets its own page, while this one is shown here as an alternate version.

Michael A. Crane, Jr.

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Ity flower Ity flower Ity flower

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